Accident.The one I want to write here today is about road accident. I drive a perodua kenari. Boxy and empty car.Some people call it biscuit tinned or washing machine because of the boxy shape of it..How it can help during accident?How the car chassis can help?how about other factor?

Many car are design to reduce impact to passenger cabine.So as kenari also are design to fullfill the standard. Many kenari car that i see after the accident still have their passenger cabine intact or untouchable. Only the engine bay are damage. These show how safe is kenari. But if you compare to other car maybe you will say the chassis is not strong enough. But for town driving. Its safe enough because we only speeding at range 80-60km/hour. But if the car is use for long journey travel, its not so safe because we will speeding at 90-110km/h or maybe more..Can it absorb the impact of the accident?only the pic show us proof..
so to all kenari out!